Wednesday, August 26, 2009

About that title

I have discovered over the years that I learn more on my own than in a class... or do I?

"It's pronounced..."

We've all heard that once or twice in our lives. I went through school up until college an avid reader and bullshitter. It didn't work in college. The specificity of topics and the quality of work demanded made half-assing it no longer an option.

So out into the real world I went after a few years of half-assed attempts at college.

Back part-time and then full -time years later, older than most students by 10 years and fairly motivated to succeed I walked away after 3.5 years with an undergraduate degree. A couple years later went back for most of a graduate degree.

Looking back now, my choices were not great. Not terrible, but not great. Not great in that I did not choose either an undergraduate degree (Geography) or a graduate degree (Criminal Justice) that led to an immediate career path, though I have worked in the criminal justice field for almost a decade now and anticipate continuing to do so for another decade.

Not terrible, in that my degrees have served me in my work to some extent or another since I have earned them/mostly earned them, and continue to do do, and my second college lives did teach me how to learn in a more focused and disciplined fashion.

Learning, as they say, is a lifelong activity. Ultimately, all learning is done within the individuals brain case... but it does help to have a good guide. Maybe the biggest benefit of structured education is ultimately emerging from that experience with the ability to be your own guide.

Here's to Autodidacticism.

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